The following message was written by an NCPC Premier member as part of their benefits of membership. NCPC does not create the content.
During the COVID 19 crisis, Social Venture Partners (SVP) has provided support to the nonprofits in our community that are struggling to adapt their services and meet growing demand at a time of heightened uncertainty. We have also provided a highly strategic avenue for concerned individuals to contribute their expertise and time to our community.
What is your Mission?
SVP believes our best community solutions will come from a strong and effective nonprofit sector. That’s why we are committed to building their capacity to create real, transformative change.
It is our mission to cause community-level impact by empowering individuals and organizations to accelerate positive social change. We do this by supporting the missions of local nonprofit organizations with our quality, truly customized, capacity-building support. There is no similar place for nonprofits to go for pro-bono help with their business-related questions. Likewise, there is no similar place for individuals who want to make an outsized difference with the full range of skills, tools, and connections at their disposal.
How do you benefit most from being a member of NCPC?
The cross-sectoral nature of NCPC is great! We’re able to connect with individuals, businesses and organizations all bringing different tools to the table. Interesting conversations happen at the intersection, and NCPC has made those conversations possible!
What do you offer to the community?
One of 40 affiliate offices around the world, San Diego Social Venture Partners combines the power of giving with the impact of strong business practice. Our members, called “Partners” improve the quality of life in San Diego by providing pro-bono consulting services to nonprofits that strengthens their organizations. As a result, they better serve the community. Along the way, our members get as much out of the experience as they give.
Individuals who want to give effectively and volunteer strategically can become a Partner at SVP. Partners’ skills and interests are matched with nonprofit requests, and we have a lot of fun making a difference together! Learn more about joining here, and to begin the process, send an email to and express your interest.
Nonprofits that would like support to strengthen their organizational capacity can request a Spark Team by filling out a form on our website here. They will be contacted by a member of our team, and if SVP Partners have the skills and availability to help, we’ll develop a scope of work and team to help.
Finally, each year, we solicit grant proposals from nonprofits working in selected issue areas. Our Partners will select two nonprofits and give each at least $20,000 unrestricted giving over a two-year period. Grants are just the beginning. Selected nonprofits also receive a team of SVP Partners that provide volunteer capacity-building support for at least two years.
What was your organization/company’s biggest accomplishment in the past six months – one year?
We’re very proud that we pivoted our services in this time of need and are able to respond to an increased number of nonprofit requests for support.
What event/program or campaign do you have coming up that you would like to share with our readers?
We have an orientation for new Partners scheduled for early October so there is still time to join and kick off with the rest of this cohort.
Nonprofits that need pro-bono consulting support to grow their organizational capacity can request a Spark Team here.
For more information, contact:
Sierra Visher Kroha
Executive Director