Untreated, mental health issues can have dire consequences for our communities – we’re on a mission to change that. Since 1956, Palomar Family Counseling Service has administered programs and services to meet changing community mental health needs. We are recognized as a trusted provider of consistently high-quality mental health and case management services. Our passionate and dedicated staff strive to provide evidence-based care with skill and sensitivity. We believe all individuals possess strengths and the capacity for positive growth.
We provide trauma-informed mental health services to as many individuals and families as our capacity allows. We are committed to designing and delivering programs that serve children, families and individuals with limited resources who may not receive mental health care otherwise. Our enduring mission is to support and strengthen children, youth, adults, families, schools, and communities.
What a generous community we live in! This year in particular the outpouring of concern and support for mental health services for our fellow citizens has been so inspiring. Thank you for your confidence in our work. There is much yet to do. Indeed, as we move into a new phase of the pandemic, it is clear that COVID-19 has taken a toll on mental health, with groups like children, racial and ethnic minorities, and low-income families hit disproportionately harder.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental health is foundational to physical health and overall well-being. Join us all month long as we raise awareness. For more information on our services and ways to help, visit www.palomarfamilycounseling.com or call our Director of Development at (760) 466.8887.