What do you benefit most from being a member of NCPC?
The Foundation staff benefits through connecting with nonprofits in the community and learning about their work and services in North County. We have had the opportunity to meet many new people, build relationships and share information. We appreciate the opportunity to share our grantmaking programs through NCPC in order to reach more nonprofits. NCPC is a great resource and connector for North County.
What is your Mission?
- Helping individuals and families meet their charitable goals today and in the future
- Making grants to support nonprofit programs, education, and community needs
- Helping to strengthen the nonprofit sector by providing support services
- Promoting philanthropy in the community
What do you offer to the community?
What was your organization/company’s biggest accomplishment in the past six months – one year?
In 2021, the Foundation granted over $1 million to a wide variety of nonprofits and educational institutions. Grants were made through competitive grant programs and donor advised funds. Seventy-seven percent of those awards were made to San Diego County nonprofits. In addition, CCF continued our collaboration with the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation and Impact Cubed to manage the COVID-19 grant program for the City of San Marcos.
What event/program or campaign do you have coming up that you would like to share with our readers?
What changes/opportunities have occurred due to COVID-19?
Since the pandemic, many of CCF’s grant programs have shifted focus towards meeting the community’s basic needs such as food, housing, and emergency support services. These grants have helped nonprofits fill gaps in funding that federal or state dollars do not cover.