Rancho Coastal Humane Society is dedicated to saving lives of abandoned companion animals, promoting adoption into loving homes and offering education programs and support services that inspire and strengthen the human-animal bond.
A member of the San Diego Animal Welfare Coalition, RCHS abides by the pledge that NO healthy, treatable animal will ever be euthanized for time or space.
RCHS is known for its personalized pet adoption process, Friends of County Animal Shelters program (FOCAS) and humane education programs. RCHS is also recognized for services that strengthen the human-animal bond, including our Animal Safehouse Program, Community Pet Food Bank, Pet-Assisted Therapy and Pet Loss Support programs, Veterinary Care Program for Seniors and community outreach efforts that provides a “helping paw” to people in crisis. With our support, owners can keep their beloved pets safe, healthy and by their sides.
RCHS has earned a 4-star rating score from Charity Navigator. RCHS has a Platinum Seal of Transparency through GuideStar and Charity Accreditation with the Better Business Bureau.
At RCHS, we believe that Every Animal Deserves a Tomorrow®. To learn more about RCHS and our services, visit us at sdpets.org.