What is your Mission?
Grant Consulting Services, LLC helps make the world a better place for all people. We engage in the fight against systemic giants of injustice, assist in remedies of inequality, and collaborate to empower the disenfranchised. Working with organizations across the globe that help people, Grant Consulting Services, LLC assists in feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, cultivating the arts, student learning, and combating the effects of global warming. We give a voice to the unheard and inspire the compassion and unity of all people.
What do you offer to our community?
Our words and actions help organizations across the country to help address the systemic issues of hunger, bring resources to help minority and women-owned businesses and conduct street outreach to human trafficking victims. Grant Consulting Services, LLC (GCS) specializes in assisting non-profit organizations to meet their goals and objectives through professional grant development services. These services include:
● Our Proprietary Grant Feasibility Study and Optimization Report
● Full project development
● Comprehensive funding searches
● Professional grant proposal writing services
● Grant Reporting and Compliance
What was your organization/company’s biggest accomplishment in the past six months—one year?
Valerie A. Grant, Founder and CEO of Grant Consulting Services LLC, is now a Grant Professional Association (GPA) Approved Trainer! In April 2023, Valerie became one of 42 Grant Professional Association (GPA) Approved Trainers.
This certification is rare and difficult to obtain. Grant Professionals must have at least five years of experience AND go through a peer committee curriculum review to become an Approved Trainer.
What does this mean? GPA Approved Trainers:
- Follow the GPA Code of Ethics
- Can better prepare organizations to seek and attain grant funds – whether you’re a start-up or a well-established organization
- Have a third-party validation demonstrating that a Grant Professional is well-prepared, credible, and skilled in helping people build their grants knowledge base.
This certification allows Grant Consulting Services, LLC to demonstrate a new level of training and expertise and sets us apart from other grant-related consulting services.
In addition, another GCS team member is studying to take the GPC exam by the end of this year!
Have you made a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion within your organization/company and if so, how are you demonstrating it?
Our vision, mission and daily activities demonstrate our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. We actively engage in our vision and mission externally as well as internally. We assist organizations of different sizes and missions and pay a living wage to our diverse staff. Leadership has engaged in formal DEI training, and we guide our clients to assist them in ensuring they have a strong commitment to DEI.
What do you benefit most from being a member of NCPC?
We believe that NCPC does a fantastic job of connecting and engaging the diverse philanthropy sectors in San Diego County. The educational programming is top-notch, and the networking events are a great place to meet wonderfully committed people.
What event/program or campaign do you have coming up that you would like to share with our readers?
In collaboration with the San Diego County Chapter of the Grant Professionals Association, Valerie is teaching her new course for grant professionals called: Grantegy: Don’t Leave Your Grants to Chance. This series provides professional grant knowledge to help develop strategies to secure funding successfully.
There are still three live classes available this year. The classes are from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm on the following dates:
● Friday, August 18th – Grant Management and Internal Relationships
● Friday, October 20th – Evaluation and Impact
● Friday, December 15th – Building and Keeping Relationships with Funders
During this series, you’ll learn:
● Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking
● Strategies for effective program and project design and development
● How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application
● Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers
● Knowledge of methods and strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between fund-seeking organizations and grantmakers.
Register to learn from a Certified Grant Professional and GPA Approved Trainer about the strategic grant development process from start to finish! This course will provide you with strategies to optimize your grants. Each session is free for GPA members and $10 for non-GPA members. All six classes are eligible for GPC and CFRE CEUs.
In addition, Valerie A. Grant, Founder and CEO of Grant Consulting Services, LLC, will co-present two workshops at the annual Grant Professionals Association Summit (National Conference) in November 2023.
Connect with us via social media and our website for more information about our services:
Website: www.grantconsultingservices.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Grantwriter
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GrantConsultingServices
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valerienelsongrant/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grant_consulting_services/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbZ39_U8Ly1JS4JCYhZ0Dyw?view_as=subscriber